Second Life's most notorious Kitsch music venue. Come down and get your fix.

Every SMAK Tells A Story

O masses, o masses!
When will you assume the image and likeness of your avante-garde?
You are not censors but sensors.
If you are fortunate enough to get past the cordon of bouncers, the shiny tinsel dotting the ceiling of the club await you as glitter rains down on dancers swaying to the horns and dynamic music beats. Accompanied by towers of champagne, wild costumes, sensual style and blasting music. Fashion–lovers will appreciate the wide spectrum of vogue, from off–the–shoulder sporty dresses to full–on platform heels and wild makeup.
Glitz, glam, and celebrity. SMAK is wet, steamy, and dreamy.
Throughout the course of its sordid Second Life career, SMAK has won over the hearts of pixel lovers from all walks of life. Turning self destruction into Art - SMAK gathers together tea heads, artists, debutantes and dandies, rowdy jazz musicians, lost souls, fashionistas and ragtime riff-raff. A space for de la mode avatars with charm and talent to burn, whose gaiety and genius make them a living symbol of Second Life. Like a peacock’s feathers – an extravagant display used by those who glow in the spotlight. Freudian death instincts prevail. Roaring, rambunctious and lush with its exquisite pop art decadence, controlled eroticism and subdued kitsch magick.
Welcome to Planet SMAK to find your existential avant-garde. We can smell the end. It smells of tequila, cannabis, and strawberry shampoo. Time to get well and truly SMAK-ed up.
The SMAK team is smouldering with style, verve and panache. In fact many of our illustrious team can often be found crouched up against black walls in rooms with no furniture, chanting in candle light whilst rocking back and forth on the floor. Some SMAK teamsters have appeared on the cover of GQ—twice. Others have mastered Italian cuisine, and became international super spies. On the SMAK team we are all united in our common goal, to keep our jobs. After all no one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.
Fancy a bit of sleazy gossip, rumour and smut that is trending and circulating in Second Life. Do you see yourself as am agony aunt or journo blogger reporting the latest scandals and ruminations on the grid. This is the place to make your mark. Informational Articles can be a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field, and keep your admirers engaged. Choose a great image or photo to feature in your article or add a video for extra engagement! Keep it interesting, bouncy and relevant so that your readers read it through till the very end.
Let’s face it. It’s not easy to become known and popular as an artist on Second Life even if you are great with your skills. Some of the karaoke type crooners are damn right dreadful.
In the times when we are competing to get noticed by people who have limited attention spans and are receiving information from a dozen of sources already, it can become a draining process to make them understand your art, to make them connect with it and appreciate it. And if you start focusing too much on building your following, you might end up having limited time left to do what you really love and set out do — trolling and annoying people. Collaboration will ensure that people hear about you enough number of times to reach for the paracetamol.

Upcoming Events at SMAK
- Mon, Mar 17London Bridge
- Thu, Feb 06London
- Thu, Jan 09Coca-Cola London Eye
SMAK, Posh Totty Corner, 69 Bottoms Up Place, London, SE13 9BL